The wild foliage bouquet is made up of 3 large eucalyptus sprays. When buying 3 together in this bouquet you get a discount from the single stem price.
This gorgeous faux eucalyptus spray is a statement stem. It is over 1.2m tall and can be bent or trimmed to style in a vase if preferred. In picture one the stems have been bent to style to create a wild foliage bouquet.
Alternatively, the stems can stand tall on their own and be used in a tall floor vase.
The spray is of a very high quality, very realsitic and is very full.
Thanks to @willow_cottage and @homewithkat_ for the photos
Height: 128 cm Width: 46 cmDepth: 46 cm
The vase the bouquet is shown in will be stocked by us in August 🤍
Wild Foliage Eucalyptus Bouquet
£40.00 Regular Price
£28.00Sale Price
Only 1 left in stock